What Your Human Design Environment Can Teach You About How You Thrive VariablesKate GoodSeptember 22, 2021
So What's the Deal with the Idea You Need to Sleep Alone? According to Human Design Human Design Basics, PlanetsKate GoodSeptember 11, 2021
Human Design Gate Basics: Elements of the I Ching Hexagrams Gates, Profiles, I ChingKate GoodSeptember 3, 2021
Affirmations for the Defined Centers in Your Human Design Chart Centers, Human Design BasicsKate GoodAugust 20, 2021
Lean Into the Woo of your Human Design this Full Moon in Aquarius Human Design Basics, PlanetsKate GoodJuly 22, 2021
Why Are We so Intimidated by Our Power? Reflections from Human Design Sessions Human Design BasicsKate GoodJuly 9, 2021
Balancing Human Design Theory and Experience with My 1/3 Line Profile Human Design Basics, ProfilesKate GoodJune 19, 2021
Things Going Sideways in Your Life? It Might Be Your Saturn Return! Human Design Basics, PlanetsKate GoodMay 20, 2021
What Vitalizes You? Tuning into the Element of Your Sun Sign Human Design Basics, PlanetsKate GoodMay 5, 2021
Hot Take: Projectors Are Actually Meant to Guide Manifestors Types, Human Design BasicsKate GoodDecember 24, 2020
The Aquarian Age, Saturn Returns, and How Human Design Ties it All Together PlanetsKate GoodDecember 21, 2020
Let's Chat about Self-Worth... Because Most of the World has an Undefined Heart Center Gates, Human Design BasicsKate GoodDecember 8, 2020