Affirmations for the Defined Centers in Your Human Design Chart

I’ve spent a lot of time focusing on open centers lately, so I think it’s time to give a shout out to the defined centers in the Human Design chart.

There are endless combinations you may have of open and defined centers in your Human Design chart. In most basic terms, defined centers are where we consistently process energy. This is what we know as “our energy” and is something we can learn to rely on. Looking at which centers you have defined can show you what your natural strengths are. Bringing awareness to your defined centers can help you anchor into these strengths and really use them to your advantage.

How I View My Defined Centers

I have 7 out of 9 centers defined in my Human Design and understanding their value has really helped me move from some of the more sticky parts of definition into a higher expression (it’s a process too!). We don’t usually know something is a strength unless someone else points it out or it is something we have a real natural confidence about – even then, it can be hard to know how to work with the energy you have in a practical way.

I have a defined head and ajna which means I am good at pulling inspiration from my own mind and I have a consistent way of reasoning through things – but it can also mean sometimes I’m very stubborn and struggle to see different viewpoints. My defined throat allows me to speak in a really compelling manner but I have to be wise about when and what I choose to share. Having a defined spleen provides a lot of intuition and wisdom about the health and safety of others, but I am the last person to know when I’m sick! Finally, the defined sacral and root is a powerful combination but I am prone to burning myself out if I don’t apply myself to things that make me feel fulfilled – and I NEED to take time to release stress and excess energy.

Your definition is what you share with the world and provides insights into how others perceive you and what you can help them develop or grow within themselves. Since we can also “condition” or energetically make an impression on others who have open centers, it’s important to remember that everyone is unique and the way you operate in the world differs from others. If you’re struggling to understand how someone can’t see things the way you do or always feels differently, take a look a their Human Design chart. How can you learn to complement one another?

Circling back to the purpose of this post (thank you for following along with my ramblings), using affirmations are a great way to embody that high expression of your defined centers and add their wisdom to your tool belt.

Affirmations for Defined Centers

Head Center: I am Inspiring

When you have a defined head center, inspiration seems to pop out of nowhere if you give yourself space to think freely – without attaching too much pressure on the outcome. Let yourself explore where your mind takes you and open yourself to the possibilities. People will look to you when they need inspiration as well, so trust you are a deep force for what can be.

Ajna Center: My thinking is consistent

Finding a pattern is your jam! You have a process for everything and see the world in a unique and ordered way. Others will look to you for help breaking down complex ideas and processes. Use this strength to help create systems that make things run more smoothly. You are also probably the friend or family member who always remembers the name of that person they met or can recite that funny story by heart.

throat center: my truth is transformative

Words and language are SO important. They hold the codes for the energy that gets transmitted into the world and creates the physical outlet for all our manifestations. Speak your truth and empower others to do the same so you can co-create a reality that is equitable for all.


Your outer world and experiences are calibrated by how fully you express, love, and accept yourself. Don’t sell yourself short by pretending to be like other people. You KNOW who you are on a deep cellular level and encourage others to live their fully identity and truth by existing as only you can.

heart/will center: My heart guides the commitments I make

You are literally here to follow your heart and can be extremely successful on the material plane by doing so. You have the consistent drive to create, experience, and explore whatever you feel pulled toward. Trust you will have consistent will power and a strong sense of self-worth when you tune in and ask what your heart desires.

Splenic Center: I am deeply intuitive and trust my instincts

You know exactly what is required to keep yourself and others safe and healthy. With splenic intuition, you have to learn to trust that the guidance you need will come at the exact moment you need it. Be mindful not to confuse stress or anxiety for intuition, your awareness is finely tuned to have your back, even if it doesn’t show up the same every time.

Sacral Center: I have the power to create whatever I please

Listen to your GUT. You have an incredible store of work and life force energy that is pulling you toward your true calling. Tune into what makes you feel most energized and take note of whether you’re ending your day feeling fulfilled or not. You’re here to bring divine inspiration into physical form – trust your gut will show you the way.

Solar Plexus CENTER:my emotions are wisdom

Emotional energy is some of the most powerful around and people can feel your emotions from a mile away. Learning to see every side and experience of your emotional wave is how you gain clarity. You can calibrate your world based on your emotional frequency – for better or worse – be delicate with yourself and allow the weather to change as it will.


What is stress? To you, defined root, it is the jolt you need to get going. You feel the pressure to do, create, enjoy and you can capitalize on your adrenal pulses by channeling feelings of stress into creativity. What do you want to bring to life? Trust you will sense the exact right timing for anything you’re creating – there’s no time to rush.

Want to learn more about your defined centers and how they operate in your chart? Book a foundation reading with me, here.