Lean Into the Woo of your Human Design this Full Moon in Aquarius

With the upcoming very rare Full Moon in Aquarius, it seems like a fitting time to get into a celebration of our uniqueness. Aquarius is the archetype of the creative rebel. Humanitarian and future-oriented, this sign brings the energy of collective change and transformation. Innovations in technology, healing, communication, and the way relate to one another abound in Aquarius. Equal parts analytical and otherworldly, this Full Moon illuminates areas of our life where we need to own our authenticity. Let that freak flag fly and do something FUN and rebellious!

Working with Human Design seems extremely fitting for this timeframe because "the science of differentiation" hinges on the fact that we are all incredibly specific and unique beings. There are over 2 billion potential configurations possible in a Human Design chart. 2 BILLION!!! That means that your chart is as unique as it gets.

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If you're a deep cut nerd like me, you dig Human Design not just because it helps create a framework for your energetic, emotional, and physical mechanics – but you also love it because it can be mystical and woo AF. So, in honor of this week's Full Moon – let's get into the weeds here.

When I started reading about Human Design, the role of the "crystals" was highlighted by honestly pretty downplayed. In my training course, the teacher glossed over the mystical roots of HD thinking it might be a little TOO much for people to handle. I get it, Human Design is a very practical tool but I do think that the magic and mundane are wonderful next-door neighbors.

I came across one of the original Human Design manuscripts a year into my journey and my mind was blown by this particular cool and weird tidbit that was channeled by the founder of Human Design...

As the story goes, once upon a time the collective consciousness of the universe was all one. It existed as a unified crystal (figurative, not literal) until one day it thought "I am" and with that powerful thought of being, it shattered into an unlimited number of pieces so it could experience itself.

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We, fleshy human beings, possess fragments of that crystalline whole and are on a lifelong journey of being reunited with the other crystal pieces that fit ours like a puzzle. By following our authority and strategy, we jump onto this sort of cosmic train line that magnetizes us right to the correct people, places, and situations that enable this reunion. Ever wonder why when you follow your gut or listen to your heart, the exact person seems to manifest into your life? It's not magic, you've just allowed your personal crystal to call out to its mates. Ok, and it is magic too!

This Full Moon, I want you to lean into this knowing and recognize that YOU have all you need to trust and appreciate your unique path. You are completely whole in your expression and your purpose is undeniable.

Sending you lots of hugs and Aquarian blessings!

Interested in learning more about your unique signature? Let’s chat!