What is Your Communication Style? Mercury and the Throat Center in Human Design

Communication is truly a magical process of transformation. Just think about it, we are constantly turning thoughts into ideas and from there, shaping words that describe this information so we can ultimately create something that is physically tangible in 3D reality. I am endlessly fascinated with people who have a lot of air signs in their charts because they view the world in this mystical tension between what can be imagined and what can be created. 

I was just listening to a Magic Monday’s podcast interview with Hebrew Priestess Rebekah Erev. In speaking about the origin story of the world given in ancient Judaism, Erev explains the belief that all life comes from letters. The Hebrew letters that create sound and craft language are not just a means to communicate but the architects of the physical world. As someone who has long been fascinated by both the power and limitations of words, it is a truly magical thought. 

As a slight, but related, aside: Human Design pulls from ancient Jewish traditions, using the Kabbalah tree of life as the foundation for the gates and channels of the chart. One of the original Human Design texts was called The Book of Letters. In the intro, Alan Krakower, Ra Uru Hu, claims that as Human Design was being channeled through him, he asked “The Voice” where all this knowledge comes from and they said plainly “The Book of Letters.” Whether this is truly divine intervention or a sign that Krakower was influenced by the teachings of ancient Judaism, we may never know – but of course, there are no coincidences. 

Communication is a particularly hot topic because we are going into a period of Mercury retrograde. Mercury rules communication and connection – it is how we think, speak, and relay this information to others. For this reason, when Mercury goes retrograde (or appears to rotate backward in the sky), all things communication tend to go haywire. This happens three or four times a year. While it gets a ton of hype in the media, I would urge you NOT to fear Mercury retrograde or use it as an excuse – it is really a time where things that need to be addressed come up for review so you can learn the lessons and grow. 

Mercury retrograde is a fantastic time to go within and review your own relationship with your thoughts, ideas, and how you communicate. Of course, you can do this with simple self-reflection or you can use Human Design as a framework to help you better understand what these key themes mean for you. 

Your Mercury PlacemenT

Mercury Human Design

The first place I like to start when contemplating communication are the conscious and unconscious Mercury placements. You likely are already familiar with the tendencies that show up in your conscious placement – but the unconscious can give you insight into patterns, motivations, or fears that you may associate with thinking or speaking.

Mercury shows us what we are meant to communicate in this lifetime and can give you that extra context and validation to step into your power here. As I mentioned above, communication is the key to translating ideas into action. The more you are able to communicate your truth in a way that is authentic and accepting, the more you inspire others to do the same. 

On your Human Design bodygraph, you can see the I Ching hexagrams or gates that your Mercury placement falls into. Use this Human Design Gate Cheat Sheet to familiarize yourself with what this means for you. The zodiac sign that your gates fall into will also give you insight into the strategies you use when communicating. For example, my conscious Mercury is in Cancer and my unconscious is in Aries. Mercury in Cancer is very compassionate and communicates empathetically but also loves to avoid conflict and will go about things sideways. Aries, however, is designed to stir things up and comes at things head-on. This tension is an ongoing lesson for me as I master how to balance the two to be direct, but kind, so I can speak honestly and openly rather than shying away to avoid confrontation. 

The best way to get to know your Mercury placements is to get curious about them. Consider how you like to communicate? What are you passionate about sharing with others? How can this placement help you further step into this energy? The more time you spend observing and experimenting with this, the better! 

The Throat Center

Throat Center Human Design

The next place to investigate for insight into your unique voice and communication style is the throat center. First things first, is yours open, undefined, or defined? If your throat center is defined (colored in on the chart), then you have a consistent mode of communication. You are here on a journey of claiming the power of your voice and using it – this is the stamp you’re here to leave on the world. The shadow of the defined throat can look like speaking over others, being too quick to share without thinking, or getting so fixed in your communication style that you don’t “read the room.”

If your throat center is open (no active gates) or undefined (active gates) then you are here to experiment with a variety of communication styles. You are designed to take in and amplify other people’s modes of speaking, sharing, and manifesting. In this way, you can act like a microphone and always speak to people in a way that feels familiar to them. Your voice is meant to be spontaneous and meet the exact needs and timing of the moment. The shadow of the undefined/open throat can look like being afraid you’ll say the wrong thing, being uncomfortable with silence, or feeling like others aren’t able to hear you – or really hear you. It’s all a process of figuring out how you want to show up and experimenting with what feels best to you. 

Whether you have a defined, undefined, or open throat center, you can be susceptible to conditioning from others. This is all a process of learning and growth. Start small by assessing your level of comfort with sharing your ideas. Take steps to speak your mind around friends or family before jumping into professional settings. Try taking a public speaking class – or even better, improv. Get curious and see what works and doesn’t for you. 

It’s also important to acknowledge that we live in a society that favors some people’s voices over others and institutionalized racism and patriarchy certainly influence our ideas around what it means to be safe sharing our ideas and opinions. The throat center is the basis for change – manifesting a new reality and creating new paradigms. It is ok if you don’t always feel strong and powerful in your communication, but it is important to find avenues to speak your truth and advocate for positive change. 

Gates of the Throat Center

62: Detail (Cancer) – This gate reaches toward the Ajna and focuses on the logical details of the situation. You notice subtle nuances that others may miss and can piece together their significance in a clear manner. 

23: Assimilation (Taurus) – Part of the “Genius to Freak” channel, this gate is the magic of translating the “inner voice” into the outer expression – literally transforming thoughts into words. This is a complex process that is a bit like translating words from one language into another. Your skill is your ability to switch between ideas and words and find the balance to accurately express both. 

56: Stimulation (Cancer/Leo) – Also called the Wanderer, this gate seeks to get others to understand by pulling them into the scene or story. You like to set the scene and recount details to enable others to envision the scenario with you. 

35: Change (Gemini) – Speaking from the voice of “I feel” can be very empowering for this gate. Change is the essential curiosity needed to explore and experience. Your ability to pivot and communicate your intentions – whether or not they come to pass – is the crux of this energy.

12: Caution (Gemini) – Learning to share or act when you feel like it is the true lesson of the gate of Caution. It’s a bit like jumping rope – there are moments you dive in and it is perfectly timed and others when you jump too soon and get tangled. This gate is the wisdom to feel when the timing is just right.

45: The Gatherer (Gemini) – This gate is deeply connected to the will center and speaks in definitives of “I will” or “I have.” It is powerful confidence that can empower others to recognize their strengths and abilities. 

33: Privacy (Leo) – The gift of this gate is experience. The confidence of your voice comes from whether you are familiar with the path or strategy before you. Calling on others to explain new things to you or talking to others to glean information is a strength of this placement. Others trust the information they share with you will be put to good use. 

8: Contribution (Taurus/Gemini) – As the name suggests, this gate is focused on making a contribution and being heard in a meaningful way. There is a need to be heard and make change with the voice. The basis for influencing others comes from the simple question of do you know or not? If you do, your voice is very convincing, if not then it is brave to say so. 

20: The Now (Gemini) – The voice of gate 20 is simply “I am.” It is certain in the moment and is able to speak to the current state of affairs. I am is the root of all manifestation – if you can imagine it, it can be in that exact comment. The gift is being able to communicate to others from your sense of identity and influence from there.

16: Skills (Gemini) – This is the voice of “let me try it!” The gate of skills is all about experimentation and learning by doing. You are able to decide if the ideas or thoughts in your mind are worth manifesting. When you set your mind to something, your communication skills allow you to jump right in and inspire others to join you. 

31: The Alpha (Leo) – The leadership gate of the throat, the Alpha works by elected influence. You are skilled at using logic to create plans and move things forward and as others recognize this in you, you are able to step into a leadership role. 

Putting it Together 

Now that you know the basics of your Mercury placements and throat center gates and definition, you can start weaving this information together. As you get to know yourself and find your unique voice, remember the responsibility that comes with that. Words have so much power and we all need to recognize that each of us holds the ability to create unity or destruction. Just as Abra Kadabrah teaches, “As I speak, I create.” What are you creating in this world? How can you use the wisdom of your thoughts, ideas, and words to manifest a reality that is safe for all?