Reframing Your Human Design Strategy to Work for You

Are you familiar with your Human Design strategy? If you don’t know yours yet, check it out at If you do, you may be experiencing a bit of resistance or a little confusion if it didn’t immediately stand out as an “oh duh, that makes sense!!!” to you. As a Generator, I absolutely resonated with the idea of listening to the sounds made when someone asks a question or gives options. I can always tell when a Generator is on a zoom call because they’re the ones going “yup, uh-huh, sure, ok, nope, uhhhhhh, unh-uhn” and nodding or making facial expressions, even if they aren’t actively participating in the conversation at hand. I instantly connected with this sort of response mechanism but the idea of needing to wait for things to respond to to take action hit more like… “mmm no thanks.” I know I’m not alone here and I have received a number of messages from Projectors especially those who have felt really held back by the idea of “waiting for the invitation.”

Part of the struggle that comes with integrating your Human Design strategy (unless you’ve been working with it since you were a kid), is the fact that no one ever told you that how you interact with the world is unique. I like to think of it like how we all see colors slightly differently – what might be orange to you is red to me or what is green to someone else is blue to their friend. We have no way of knowing that what someone else sees or experiences is different from our own experience …

While I can appreciate learning to stick to your strategy to the T, I also know that there are so many other dimensions of us as individuals, and part of this human experience is running into things and seeing what works and what doesn’t! Since I have a lot of the Line 3 energy (and this is just what I like to do!), I am here to show you how you can view your strategy that feels more rooted in how to use it practically, and less like a limitation. 

Reframing Your Human Design Strategy

Manifestors: Informing before Initiating 

When you’re incredibly self-driven, what’s the easiest way to get things done? Do it yourself with others. This is the first reframe needed for Manifestors who are feeling inspired to get things started. Just because you know what needs to be done, doesn’t mean that you should do it all alone. In fact, your superpower is really your ability to activate opportunities for yourself AND others. The way you go about doing this is by informing the people around you what your ideas, plans, or next steps are. Remembering that you don’t need their approval, you just need to tell them so they either 1. stay out of your way or 2. step up to support you. 

One thing I’ve noticed about Manifestors (purely observational) is a tendency to underestimate just how energetically powerful you are. By nature of having a closed and focused aura, people magnetically feel they need to look for you for direction or validation. Informing people might seem superfluous so you – like “why do they care I’m going to the store?” – but others feel a need to know what you’re up to and what you may expect from them. When you get an idea or feel motivated to start something, everyone around you energetically starts to feel a little pull like you may need something from them. By being very clear in communicating your needs, expectations, and intentions, you allow that tense energy of “something is about to happen” to diffuse. That way people can go back to living their own lives or really step up and show you that they’re just who you need to help get it done. The signature for the Manifestor is feeling at peace and a very easy flow with life. Informing before you dive into things will help you take that idea that completely lit you up and bring it into existence, riding on the waves of aligned energies. I would also add that saying no and setting boundaries is a form of informing as well! People will see you making magic happen and want a piece of it, but it is up to you to decide where you put your efforts or not. Remember, the whole point of using your strategy is not to waste time and energy – don’t tie yourself up helping people manifest things you’re not into.

Generators: Responding

One big misconception I want to clear up about responding is the idea that you need to sit passively and wait for things to come to you. As a Generator, you are responding to things ALL the time – you just might not realize it. If you smile at a person walking down the street, that’s a response. If you smell pizza in the air and decide that’s what you want for lunch – that’s a response! We’re constantly being fed little clues from the world around us to react to and the more you dial into that for the small things, the more you’ll notice the clues for the BIG things.

As a very active and energy-drive type, I would encourage you to go out looking for things that really light you up. Follow where you feel like going or the people you are instantly attracted to and work from there. The Generator finds direction from their sacral sounds – these are the noises you make before you even form words (think “uh-huh,” “ehhhhh,” “ooo!” and “uhn-uhn”- no). Before you listen to the direction other people want to give you in your life, you need to listen to the direction you are giving yourself … you may have a ton of energy but that doesn’t mean it can be squandered on things you don’t really want! Get into your body and really feel how a decision sits before verbally confirming or rejecting it. When in doubt, if it’s not a full-body “yes,” don’t jump too quickly. You have all the wisdom you need for what to do next right inside. 

Manifesting Generators: Responding and Informing 

Manifesting Generators have the best of both the Manifestor and Generator world. Like the Generator, the Manifesting Generator shouldn’t feel the need to sit around and wait for life to happen to them. Being very nimble and quick in decision making is key for Manifesting Generators because you’re meant to follow what you love and pivot as many times as you need to get where you need to be in life. A little bit of focused, peaceful contemplation and a little bit of getting out there and seeing what lights you up is the recipe for the Man Gen strategy. So first dial into your gut response – is this a “uh-huh or uhn-uhn for me?” and then comes the informing part… This can be tricky for the quick-moving MG but it is doubly important because you need to clear the way forward by keeping others in the loop and since you have that big magnetic Generator aura going for you, you’re going to rapidly pull in the people and resources you need to move forward smoothly. But, of course, you can’t do that if you don't tell anyone what you need or what’s going on in that beautifully creative mind of yours.

Projectors: Wait for the Invitation

Projectors are the wise guides and power-packed, advice-givers of the world. You are not trapped in a tower waiting for the right invitation to be extended so you can leave. Quite the opposite. Projectors are constantly dancing with the world, being pushed and pulled toward the exact opportunities that require a specific type of expertise. The sign a Projector is among the right group and wisely using their energy is a feeling of deep recognition and appreciation. While that may actually be secondary, I think it is the first thing Projectors should learn about their strategy. It’s easier to think about finding a place, relationship, or opportunity that fosters a feeling of deep appreciation than getting trapped in the idea that you’re waiting for an invitation.

Projectors do have the ability to make things happen for themselves, it is just a bit more nuanced than forcing your way through the door. Start to think of yourself as the creator of opportunities by dialing into what you really love to do. You’re probably already memorizing an obscure theory or creating the most unique pottery or becoming an expert in a certain area that you really love. Think of that as initiating for a Projector, first and foremost being true to what makes you sparkle inside. Then make yourself seen. Start a blog, tell your friends and family about your special skill, send pictures to a local paper. Wherever you can create a lighthouse effect so people, opportunities, and resources can find you – then wait for the invitations to pile up. And remember, just because it’s an option, doesn’t mean you have to take it. If you aren’t excited about it, your energy isn’t going to be well spent there – you spend so much time giving advice to others, give yourself permission to be really, really selfish in this. It’s actually the best thing you can do for the world.

Reflectors: Wait for a Lunar Cycle

Oh man, my sweet unicorn reflectors. How many of you read this strategy and just checked out? Or felt paralyzed to all decision making? As a Reflector you’re meant to sample life and try many things, following your signature of feeling really surprised and delighted by whatever comes your way (if it is right for you). The recommendation is to wait for a lunar cycle because that’s how long it takes the moon to travel through every aspect of your energy. The moon energy is really what drives us – so if that shifts throughout the course of the month, you don’t want to lock yourself into a decision you made when you were feeling really motivated by your emotional response if a few days later your motivation switches to something else. Moving in and out of life is really your sweet spot, which I know can be super unsettling for Reflectors who tend to enjoy consistency. So I invite you to first start with not locking yourself into one singular identity or experience. Think of yourself as dynamic and give yourself permission to wait until you feel really great about something before you say yes. The world will push you to make instantaneous decisions (sorry, most of us run with a gut response) but if that makes you nervous, you are empowered to say “I’m going to need a few hours or a few days to think this over.”

The truth is, you bring so much to the table and know exactly what needs to be tweaked, improved, or removed to bring about real synergy. The right people and opportunities will recognize this in you and allow you the space you need. If you’re feeling rushed or made to fit into a box you don’t belong in, you have to trust it isn’t the right move for you. You have complete permission to curate the life you’ve always dreamt of – and if one day you decide it’s not just right, then you Goldilocks the heck out of it until you get to a place where you feel truly delighted.