Here's What You Need to Know About Open Centers in Your Human Design Chart

Part of what I love about Human Design is that it is super specific and custom to every single person. There are over 2 billion different possible configurations meaning we are all designed to embody a completely unique energy. Looking into your Open Centers is a good place to start if you are coming to Human Design feeling a bit burnt out or overwhelmed. While there is an incredible amount of wisdom that we find in our openness, it is also the place where we are most likely to be conditioned to act in ways that really betray who we are. In readings and from personal experience, I’ve found open centers can act as a guide to healing a lot of old wounds and shadow aspects of ourselves. The ultimate goal of understanding your Human Design is to reach deep levels of self-acceptance and self-love. I’d also add that there is absolutely no sense of “lack” associated with having a center open, we are all completely whole and hold the knowledge and wisdom of every possible experience – we just go about it in different ways.

What is an Open Center?

If you look at your Human Design chart, you’ll see nine different shapes. These are representations of our energy centers and they mirror the traditional Chakra system. Why are there 9 instead of 7 centers then? According to the founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu, humanity experienced an energetic evolution around 1718 that enabled us to move away from solely focusing on survival (7 chakra system) to be able to contemplate and experience spiritual pursuits. Fun fact, in 2027 the solar plexus chakra is “upgrading” meaning everyone born after that period of time will technically have a different energetic makeup and there will be 10 centers. (This is getting a bit more in-depth than you may need for a high-level picture here – but my line 1 can’t resist.)

Centers house archetypical energies and can be either defined or open. If a center is defined it means you have a consistent flow of energy in that center because of planetary activations (don’t worry too much about that right now). You can rely on your defined center as an energy that you are probably used to and have learned to navigate a bit over time. Open centers are where we take in and amplify energies from the world around us. They are like our energetic antennae that pick up frequencies and experiences that aren’t ours but allow us to gain insight into how other people are operating in the world. One key thing to remember here is that the energy we take in through open centers is always amplified – so you experience it a few levels higher than the person you’re picking it up from.

For example, the solar plexus center has to do with emotions. If you have an open solar plexus and are around a friend who has this center defined, you’re going to feel their emotions with huge intensity. If they’re watching an ASPCA commercial and feeling sad for all the animals without homes, you may be in the other room not watching this commercial and experience an intense wave of anguish and start crying (without knowing why).

Now, going off this example – if you were to know you have an open solar plexus center and just let the emotion come and go, you would be able to release that feeling and move on. If you didn’t have this awareness, you may have the tendency to believe this deep sadness is yours and start to find a reason for it, attaching it to your life and starting to embrace melancholy in places it doesn’t belong. It is heavy.

As someone who does have an open solar plexus, I spent many years feeling like I had no control over my emotions – and taking it one step further, my desire to avoid the negative emotional energy of others led me to avoid conflict, not stand up for myself, and generally have no boundaries. It was better to suppress my own feelings and needs than face the overwhelming turmoil that came from taking on other peoples’. This is an example of conditioning – and we all experience it in some way or another.

Now, my goal is to help people avoid the pitfalls I’ve fallen into and share what I know so you can break some of that conditioning and fully embody the aligned, powerful energy that is your birthright.

What to Look for in Your Open Centers

So you may be wondering – great, now I get how this works but how can I tell if I’m experiencing conditioning in my open centers? There is a signature question that comes with each open center that gets to the heart of whether or not you are honoring your own energy.

Take a few moments to get still and breathe deep into your belly. When you’re centered, read through these questions and ask yourself if this is what you’re feeling.

Head Center: Am I taking in anxiety that isn’t mine?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with pressure to make decisions, having answers, or know something you couldn’t possibly have the answer to? The mind is only designed to help us contemplate and think about many different possibilities. You’re meant to channel inspiration from the infinite and follow what excites you. Don’t limit yourself.

Ajna Center: Am I holding onto ideas and beliefs that don’t serve me?

You’re meant to see many perspectives and switch logic styles to show us options that no one else can see yet. Don’t feel pigeonholed into thinking, learning, or understanding things the same way others do.

Throat Center: Am i speaking with integrity or trying to please others?

Resist the pressure to just say what you know others want to hear. You manifest what you speak into being so be true and clear in your words. It is ok not to speak if you have nothing to say and you are safe to share when inspired – the world needs your voice.

Identity Center: am i relying on my job or relationship to define me?

The phrase “I am” is complete. Our jobs, interests, affiliations, and relationships change but your essence stays constant. Allow yourself the freedom to trying on many different identities and know that whichever you choose that day is the perfect expression of you.

will center: do i think “proving” myself is the doorway to acceptance and love?

Hot tip – you never have to prove anything to anyone. Your only loyalty is to your soul. Boundaries here are important as you will have a tendency to burn yourself out for others. Love and acceptance start with your own ability to love and accept yourself – others will always follow your lead.

sACRAL CENTER: am i afraid of what happens when i stop?

The majority of the world right now has a defined sacral so you may feel the need to keep working, hustling, creating, etc – but your true strength comes in knowing when enough is enough. Honor your energy and rest when you need to, the world will wait because it requires your unique input.

spleen center: am i holding onto unhealthy patterns?

Staying in relationships, jobs, cities, whatever it is because it feels “safe” is a trap. You have all the knowledge and strength you need to feel safe and provide for yourself regardless of external factors. Something that makes you feel secure but terrible otherwise is only draining you and making you less resilient.

Solar plexus center: am i avoiding truth or confrontation to avoid emotional backlash?

Emotions are meant to come and go just like the weather. You have an endless amount of empathy and compassion for the world but that doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice your own peace and well-being. Hard conversations are the way to release emotions – if you hold onto them too tight, they start to manifest in physical ways. You are brave, strong, and not responsible for anyone else’s reactions or emotions.

Root center: do i feel i can only rest when everything is done?

There is a lot of guilt in this center and the false belief that when you complete something the pressure will be off. This is just adrenaline, it’s not reality. Sitting with the pressure and evaluating how you can be comfortable even if something is tugging at you is key. You need to rest and honor the wave of when you have the energy to do something and when you do not. Use the heightened energy to focus on creative pursuits or something that makes you happy – rather than being tied to a never-ending to-do list.

Want to learn more?

You don’t have to unpack all of this alone! This is information to get you started and I hope it is useful when you need it most. If you want to dive deeper into your centers and look into the more detailed energies that show up in each, I offer individualized readings. You can check them out here. Or you can grab my Open Centers guide here.

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