Revealing Spiritual Gifts with Your Human Design Neptune Placements

It’s 11/11 so I thought it would be a good time to talk about how your spiritual gift and purpose reveal itself through Neptune placements in your Human Design chart. Neptune is a highly elusive planet and its signature is a veil – or fog. It is mysterious and withholding but it directs us to see the driving purpose we have here on Earth. Conceptually, it’s a bit difficult to pinpoint what exactly Neptune means and how to interpret it – and that’s exactly the point. It straddles the line between the mystical, spiritual world and the very mundane every day, showing us that everything we are – every single thing – is part of the divine. 

The founder of Human Design, explains Neptune as the “teacher that demands total acceptance,” and advises that rather than trying to go out of your aligned energy to conquer Neptune – it is best left alone. This reminds us to surrender to the natural flow of who we are – when we try to push to attain something it often eludes us (Neptune HI!) because the truth is we already are all that we’re reaching for. So sneaky, right?! 

I also recently read that the Neptune placement on the design side (your subconscious) is directly inherited from your grandmother’s energy pattern – I have yet to Line 1 this one and look to see if my own Neptune placements match my grandmothers, but I love that sentiment. This is ancestral energy that is being worked out through your life. It can be a challenge but it has your back – just like the unconditional but sometimes prodding energy of a grandmother’s love. 

I have both my Neptune placements in gate 54, drive. I honestly laughed out loud when I saw this because it’s also my North Node and just speaks to so many things that I resonate with but also am baffled by. This gate is where ambition lives and it’s all about working really hard to make your dreams come true and be recognized. In its low expression, this is endless toil energy that is always striving for something that never comes to pass. At its height, it is about enlightenment and the endless possibilities that come with being recognized and supported. I live somewhere in between these. I have big dreams and love to envision what is possible for myself and the world, but I also tend to hide “just being busy” to avoid the exposure that comes from actually being recognized for what I can/do. For me, the mantra for my Neptune is to master the mundane to access spiritual purpose. Very practically, it’s looking at where I’m being pulled, surrendering, and learning to love every part of the process knowing it will help me to build toward my dream ––– rather than giving into the frustration of not being there yet. 

Interested to know more about your Neptune placements? Let’s talk it out in a session.