Are you having trouble connecting with your magic? You know deep down you have so much potential and power to share with the world, but you're having trouble accessing or understanding what really makes you tick. Maybe an authority figure ~ or society ~ told you the way you naturally do things is "incorrect" or you've been criticized for not fitting the mold. You've tried all sorts of healing, self-awareness work, and can't seem to find the courage to turn this information into action... Trust me, I've been there!

What if I told you, there is a way to understand and identify your biggest potential? What if I could show you how to validate and name your strengths and pitfalls alike in an effective, to-the-point manner? Enter Human Design. Combining ancient wisdom into a modern system, Human Design pulls on astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah Tree of Life, and chakra system to provide an X-Ray view of what makes you tick. Mapping out your innermost struggles and strengths, a Human Design reading can provide you with personalized insights that may otherwise take yeaaaarrrrss – and lots of $$$ – to unearth.

As a certified Human Design specialist with a background in astrology and energy healing, my goal is to help you initiate your return back home to your true being.

The bold, badass, individual that came here to be fully satisfied and fulfilled with life. You are unlike anyone else and as such, the code to your success is unique. Let's dig into that code and find out what transformation is possible, shall we?


Your most empowered self is calling – are you ready to answer?

Let’s get started!

Sessions are currently closed ! I will send out an email when books are back open. In the meantime, check out my guides or blog.

Re-Integrating You

60-min Human Design ReadinG on zoom $111

This session covers all the details of your chart including your personalized energetic type, strategies to maximize your impact, information on your primary strengths and growth edges. We also pinpoint areas for shadow work, how to reintegrate parts of yourself you may have unconsciously cast away, and we explore the practical ways you can validate and own your experiences.

Saturn Return Reading

90-min Human Design ReadinG on zoom $222

Are you around the age of 30 or 60 and feeling like life just got a lot more complicated and messy? It may be your Saturn Return! Contemplating major life changes is common 2-3 years before and after these ages is very common and the more intune you are with your inner wants and needs the easier it gets.
Your Human Design chart and astrology provide great clues to help you understand the underlying themes of your Saturn Return, helping you to find or deepen your relationships, find your life’s work and soul’s calling, and/or identify where you really want to live (amongst other things!).

Starting with Human Design, this session looks at your conscious and unconscious Saturn places, illuminating themes and challenges that may be showing up in your life. Incorporating the wisdom of astrology further builds out directives around what your Saturn placement is trying to tell you and how you can take clear steps toward self-actualization.