So What Is Human Design?

If you are new to the wonderful world of Human Design, WELCOME! My name is Kate and my goal is to make Human Design easy and accessible to everyone. Simply put, Human Design is like a user manual for your body and its energetic workings. This super intricate system burst into humanity’s consciousness (quite literally thanks to Supernova 1987a) in 1987 and was codified and popularized by Alan (Robert) Krakower AKA Ra Uru Hu.

The system is a synthesis of the I-Ching, the Kabbalah Tree of Life, Eastern and Western Astrology, the Chakra system, and Quantum Physics. Humanity has had all of the pieces for thousands of years and Human Design is a synthesis of all this ancient wisdom.


Human Design can tell you your aura type, the best strategy for decision making, your life theme, major talents/potential growth points, and how to tap into your inner guidance. It also provides insights into which of your centers (similar to chakras) are open or defined, providing insights into where you may be taking in other people’s energy and how to realign with your unique energetic profile.

Circling back to the user manual metaphor… The incredible ladies from DayLuna liken Human Design to a car manual – it tells you how to turn the car on, what the gears are, what kind of fuel it needs, and how to best take care of the vehicle. Think of your body and its unique energetic circuitry as a vehicle that is carrying your soul through the experience that is life. You deserve to know how it works and how you can make sure that you don’t blow your energetic circuitry!

There is A LOT more I will dive into on the blog, but if you are interested in learning more about your Human Design feel free to shoot me an email at or if you’re ready to dive in and book a session, click here.