It's Time to Human Design Your Job

I've been noticing a pattern... most of the people who come to me for Human Design readings or advice on Instagram are looking for direction with their jobs. Wanting to do meaningful work and make an impact is a common thread that unites every single person I talk to – whether that was the reason they booked a session or not.

This is something I deeply relate to on many levels. Since I was old enough to think about careers, I knew I needed to have a job that mattered. (My childhood idol was Rachel Carson.) I needed to do something that kept me motivated, satisfied, and made me feel like I was changing the world for the better. As it usually does, the reality of needing to pay bills and student loans brought a lot of that idealism into question. While I was able to stick to working for mission-aligned companies and organizations, I often found myself loving the cause but being completely depleted by the work. I was trying to fit myself to a mission instead of looking at how my particular skills and talents could elevate a cause.

I accepted low salaries, dealt with nightmare managers, and ran myself ragged taking on every single task thrown my way –because hey, at least I’m in the general vicinity of something I care about. My life works in cycles and I needed to experience this multiple times in different variations to come to the realization that, even when the pay got a little better or the work was more exciting, it was time for me to stop putting myself in a box and figure out WTF I was here to do.

Enter Human Design…

There are so many fascinating things you can learn from your Human Design chart, but I’m most interested in how to take the knowledge and turn it into a useful practice. I used Human Design to help me decipher my life purpose and am giving myself the freedom I need to learn, try, and grow along the way. But I really can’t ignore the fact that the people I seem to attract for readings all want to know one thing: how can I feel more fulfilled in my job.

That’s where MY job comes in. I’m a 1/3 line profile which means I’ve not only spent every waking moment I can learning about how the chart works, but I’ve played around with this information and figured out what works and what doesn’t for people. I also have the Right Angle Cross of Service as my incarnation cross which is literally about guiding people to with a combination of logical energies of guidance, organization and correction. Part of what always frustrated me about past job experiences was looking at the dynamics of an office and seeing that people’s strengths weren’t being appropriately applied in a way that helped everyone thrive or be successful. I also have a desire motivation, acceptance sense, and survival view, which means my primary skills are helping people pinpoint what they truly want in life, helping them accept parts of themselves that are holding them back, and show them how to level up and thrive.

How I Help You Design the Job that’s made for you

It’s time to get rid of the idea that you need to “search for your purpose,” because it already exists within you. The only thing you need to do is remember that purpose and build the confidence to fully embrace it. We all hold the potential to create and live out our wildest dreams but something about the world has taught us otherwise (hi, me and student loans!).

I can show you where your greatest strengths exist in your Human Design chart, and also guide you to the pitfalls that might be getting in your way. From there, you can see clear next steps of how you need to show up, what people are looking to you for, and what makes you feel really and truly inspired and empowered. Trust me, you already know exactly what you want – the real question is, what is holding you back?

Ready to learn more? Email me at or book a session here.