How to Use Your Human Design Type When It's Time to Change Something in Your Job

Are you feeling stuck? Do you want to spend your days working on something that feels deeply satisfying? It’s probably time to look at your Human Design. I’m gonna let you in on a big secret – you’re not meant to do things that make you feel terrible. You’re just not.

If you’re reading this, you probably already know that feeling … but how do you know it’s really time for a change? When you look at your Human Design chart, your purpose and strengths are written all over. Resistance and feeling drained are key signals you’re trying to use someone else’s playbook to live your life. While doing a deep dive into your entire chart is really the best way to make sense of all this – getting to know your type is a good place to start.

Every Human Design type has an energy signature that speaks to how each presents in the world. Generators and Manifesting Generators are great at building things and leverage their creative energy best when they have something to respond to. Manifestors are innovators and big picture thinkers, they’re incredible at empowering and inspiring others to help bring new things to life. Projectors are here to guide and instruct, providing key insights and advice that foster harmony and abundance for all. Reflectors are explorers, here to activate everyone around them and align them with their true strengths.

Helping others understand when an energetic cycle has come to an end is part of my Human Design, so here are a few things to look out for when it’s really time to change something in your day-to-day work.


Did you start this endeavor with a lot of ideas and creative energy that seemed to just burst out of your consciousness … but now that’s run out? Manifestors are most comfortable helping to get ideas off the ground, but when that turns into doing mundane tasks that really anyone could be doing it’s probably time for a change. People are looking to you for what to do next but if you’re putting yourself in a position where you don’t really have the power to dictate where something is going, you’re not using your innate strengths. Find some time to get quiet – take a walk, meditate, whatever works for you – and open yourself to possibilities. You’re here to innovate and take charge, so the next exciting step will always find you.

Manifesting Generators

The special sauce for Manifesting Generators is being able to pivot from one project to the next. If you’re being pushed to limit your scope, focus on just one thing, or do the same sort of tasks over and over again – this is a sign the alignment is gone. You may also find yourself compensating for your boredom by spending more time texting, scrolling social media, doing anything that will satisfy that need to be moving from one thing to the next. Remember your energy is precious, don’t waste it on distracting yourself. Be intentional in looking for signs that will activate your gut and show you where your energy to build is needed.


How’s your gut doing? Feeling tense or just plain tired. You’re meant to work on things that give you life and energy, not the opposite. If you feel more called to throw your laptop out the window than engage with the work you’re doing … you already know where I’m going with this. Creating in a flow is really where the sweet spot lives for generators. The sacral is the seat of work and life force energy so if your sacral is telling you what you’re doing on a daily basis is a HARD NO, that’s the truth. Look around you and see what is making your gut scream “I want that!” As cliché as it sounds, if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no for you. Trust that.


You can tell when something is wrong from a mile away because every part of your being will reflect that. As a mirror of society, you’re here to show us where we’re all going wrong so we can course correct. If you go into an office that makes you feel stuck, unappreciated, sad, unmotivated … that’s because everyone around you is feeling the same. Not good. You have an incredible ability to poke others into changing their ways for the better, but if you’re not being heard or not given the opportunity to help make these changes, it may be time to bring your expertise elsewhere. The signature for Reflectors is being surprised and delighted with the world around them so opening yourself to opportunities that enable that child-like excitement and wonder is really where you’ll thrive.


I just want to take a second to say thank you to all Projectors. Your insights are shifting and guiding the world but the workplaces society has built rarely foster that. Projectors need to be seen, valued, and given a platform to really share their wisdom so we can all work in a more harmonious manner. If you’re a projector who feels burnt out, unappreciated, and like they’ve been effectively silenced – take this as full permission to take the steps needed to change. When things are good, you’re like the hub of any workplace expertly guiding and steering everyone to work together. Hold that vision for yourself and be open to receive the opportunities that are just waiting for you on the other side.

No matter your Type, you deserve to feel satisfied and fulfilled in your work. If you’ve been told that doesn’t exist, let me help you break that thinking. You have a purpose, you just need to remember it.