Mantras for the Open Centers in Your Human Design Chart

Aaaahhh the open centers! I recently did a deep dive post on this topic, but today I wanted to give you all something short, sweet, and actionable. Working with mantras or affirmations can be incredibly healing because they break up the thought loops that we tend to get stuck in. Our thoughts are powerful forms of energy and they hold the vibration for what we create in our lives. We also conceal a lot of pain and struggle within our thoughts as a coping mechanism, allowing us to appear totally normal and content to others – while we secretly stew on what we said/did/don’t want to do/insert potential perceived failing here.

Open centers are the most likely to speak over the voice of our authority. This can show up as doubts that cause us to override information we’re getting through our authority or manifest as actions taken in direct conflict with our authority. Either way, when we let our fears or the overwhelm that can channel through our openness dictate our next step, we are betraying ourselves in little ways. Over time this adds up and leads to a feeling of being completely lost, depleted, or just plain down on ourselves.

I’ve been there … many times. Just a few days ago I could notice the tension of my open solar plexus building as I was flooded with fears and anxiety over the current state of the world. I could see my thoughts dipping into the negative as a default and observed as I started to speak from a place of limitation and fear rather than doing what I do best – holding a space of hope and possibilities. So I took myself on a long walk outside and the mantra “I am love, I am light, I am safe" popped into my head. Within a few minutes I was calmer, far less self-critical, and actually began to take back a sense of “I can do something about this” – which, especially with the gate of correction, is one of my strengths. So if you’re struggling right now, I invite you to drop into those open centers and use these affirming mantras to help you live in their highest expression. Open centers are here to teach us, after all, and they hold so much wisdom – so let’s flip the script, shall we?

Daily Mantras to Elevate Your Open Centers

Head Center: I am free to explore and follow only the ideas that excite me. My thoughts show what is possible.

Ajna Center: I have no time to rush my process. My perspective is valuable.

Throat Center: The exact right words will appear as I speak them. My input is needed.

Identity Center: My ability to change is my greatest strength. I am whoever I want to be.

Will Center: My only loyalty is to myself. My value is unquestionable.

Solar Plexus Center: I can do hard things. Speaking my truth is more important than pleasing others.

Spleen Center: My intuition will light the way through my fears. I am safe and guided always.

Sacral Center: Rest is a form of rebellion. I don’t need to keep up with anyone but myself.

Root Center: I’ll be there when I get there. I honor my waves of motivation.

We all have the potential to break free of conditioning in our open centers. It can be hard – but remember, you are strong and fully empowered to create the experience you want for yourself – and you don’t have to do it alone. To learn more about Open Centers, check out my digital guide here.

CentersKate Good