How Human Design Can Help You Navigate Big Life Shifts
I know I’m not alone when I say so much has changed in the past few months – let alone the past year. In addition to the world turning upside down due to a pandemic, there has been such an energy for change and rejecting old, outdated paradigms that are oppressive and don’t support the collective. I’m sure you can think of many personal and global examples of this. There is no doubt that 2020 has been a year of change and challenges and while it may feel incredibly random and unwarranted, coincidences don’t exist. Looking to astrology, there has been one major planetary event after another and it is all priming us to step into our highest expression – on a personal and global level.
One of the biggest themes I’ve noticed in Human Design reading sessions I’ve given in the past six months is change. Wanting to change careers, relationships, location, hairstyle, aesthetic. From the big to the small, so many people are feeling compelled to take action and really lead in their own lives. Making any sort of transition can be challenging, but thanks to the incredibly specific and practical nature of Human Design – knowing a few key things about yourself can make it all that much easier. Here are a few ways a Human Design reading can help you navigate life shifts
Making Decisions with Your Authority and Definition
There are a few key things to look to in your Human Design chart to better understand how you can make the most aligned choices for yourself: Authority and Definition.
Your authority speaks to your unique intuition style and tells you how your higher self communicates with you. For example, an emotional authority needs to feel into things and give themselves time to experience an emotional wave before making decisions. Other people need to tune into their gut or talk through their thought process. Understanding the dynamics of your authority will help you understand why you seem pulled in directions you may have not considered and add a layer of confidence.
Definition in the chart speaks how your energy centers connect to one another. A single definition means there is just one group of defined centers connected by channels in your chart. Split means there are multiple clusters where your energy centers are connected, but they don’t necessarily all connect to one another. If you have a single definition you like to make decisions independently – so talking things out with others may leave you more prone to shifting your stance in a way that isn’t authentic to you. If you have split, triple split, and quadruple split definition, you benefit from being others when making big decisions. This can mean talking things out with a trusted friend or even going to a coffee shop or central location to leverage other people’s energies. Doing this helps your energetic centers to make connections and explore the wisdom coming from a collective place instead of favoring one area of definition or another.
Help From Your Energy centers
Looking to your centers when you’re feeling stuck or looking for inspiration. You take in and amplify energy from other people in your open centers, where are your energy is more consistent and may feel more familiar in your defined centers.
When you’re looking at your open centers, you want to see both the positive and potentially challenging sides of things. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or uncertain, your open centers are most likely to be the place where you’re feeling pressured by other people’s energies. You may be stuck in a loop of wondering what other people will think of your decision or feel unworthy of having what you want – those are key signals you are letting your open centers override your authority. There is also so much potential and possibility in the open centers. This shows you where you have freedom to experience the full expression of that energetic center. Take for example the open head center, you have access to an unlimited amount of ideas and inspiration that you can channel from the world around you. Don’t close yourself off or try to fit in a box when it comes to your open centers, you are meant to explore and play following the guidance of your authority.
Your defined centers are like the friend that always gives you bang on advice. Defined centers showcase the potential for mastery in our chart and illustrate where we’re really meant to come into our own. (Advanced tip – If you want to go a step deeper into understanding how your defined centers manifest for you, take a look at what gates or channels are activated there.) Learning to lean on your defined centers when making decisions or changes in your life will help build confidence. If you have a defined Identity center, for example, you know who you are deep down and might have an easier time parsing out what’s important to you and what’s not. Knowing this allows you to tune into that inner identity and tune out the other noise that may be holding you back. You know what you like, where you want to be, and importantly, what sort of impact you hope to make – trust that.
All of these tools are here to show you how to find deeper levels of self-trust because, as we know, change is a constant. As you navigate through the shifting energies of the times, I am always happy to provide assistance and clarity where I can. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at or book a session to get even deeper insight.