What Your Human Design Signature Teaches Others

Signature in Human Design is often described as the energetic feeling each type has when they’re operating in alignment — but it’s also the gift they share with the other types around them.

I see it this way: as a Generator, I know when I’m deeply satisfied in life then I can sense when others either are or are not. I’ve experienced both and feel them each so keenly that I could spot a dissatisfied person from a mile away. I can feel it and bring it into their awareness so transformation can happen. Our energy is as much a personal experience as it is an outward calibration tool. Each type has a distinct signature that brings something different to the table so we can all learn from one another.

When you understand your signature is, you can see what other people may look to you for and help them to gain clarity in these areas.

Projector: Success

Success isn’t always material but we tend to think this is the ONLY indicator of success. This is not so for the Projector. Success is the feeling that comes when Projectors use their absorbing and focused aura to see the thing no one else can see. They are called into situations to provide their unique perspective and when that tidbit of knowledge is applied, it brings about so much more depth and harmony. Of course, this can result in material success but perhaps it means success in relationships or a field of study. What is the breakthrough you need to feel truly and deeply successful in this life? Ask a projector.

Manifestor: Peace

We tend to think of Manifestors as “take no prisoners” kind of people. They get inspired to do something and off they go. However, the natural state for a manifestor is peace. Their auras are designed to focus in on what isn’t working for the collective and innovate something new. To do this, they need to learn to still themselves in the midst of chaos and stress to get to the root of the problem. This ability to achieve and build from a place of peace is so incredibly valuable to us all. In fact, Manifestors get their inspiration and direction from periods of inward contemplation. Need some help blocking out the noise and finding the diamond answer? Look to a manifestor.

Manifesting Generator: Freedom

Manifesting Generators exist somewhere in between what currently exists and what could be. They move fluidly in and out of liminal spaces, pouring their energy into their current sacral inspiration. Manifesting generators show us what it means to be truly free from the limits or confines of life. They don’t care if it doesn’t make sense, if they don’t jump and try whatever they’re hankering for … you’re going to hear about it! This type is wonderful at showing you how to see things differently and navigate through blocks with grace. Need some motivation to kick things into action? Mani Gens know just the thing.

Reflectors: Harmony

The beauty of the reflector’s energy is it is everchanging. They interact with the world in a completely unique fashion and show us where we’re getting tripped up. With a “sampling” aura, reflectors can insert themselves into any relationship or situation and feel their way through what is working and what is not. They’re our energetic tuning instruments and set the perfect example of what it means to be extremely discerning, choosing only the things that make us feel our best. If harmony is something you’re looking for – Reflectors can help you out.

Generator: Satisfaction

We all crave a deep feeling of satisfaction in life and Generators are here to show us exactly how to get it. With a wide and inviting aura, Generators can pick up on whether others are happy or not. Using the sacral as a guide, generators teach us the power of choice and encourage us to never settle for something that doesn’t light us up. Making space for things that bring the utmost joy and sense of fulfillment is the generator’s strength. No is a powerful word in the Gen vocabulary, let one teach you how to do it because trust them, there is a BIG yes right around the corner.

Kate Good