What You Need to Know About the New Moon in Scorpio

Happy New Moon in Scorpio! As we enter into the "dark" half of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, Scorpio greets us with tidings from the depths. A fixed water sign, Scorpio wants us to dig into our emotions and sit with them in order to feel and understand their complexities. You have to go beneath the surface to truly understand how the patterns and emotions that are coming up now are linked to past experiences and ideas.

As you feel into the energy of this New Moon (happening 11/4/2021 at 5:14 pm ET), it’s important to remember to be kind to yourself. Be gentle with your emotions and do your best to validate anything that comes up – but also don’t get stuck in the past. Think of yourself as a tourist, exploring the depths of your emotions and memories observing and taking notes but recognizing that you are not here to stay. Now is a good time to set intentions for healing and envision the reality you want to create going forward.

Want to understand more about what’s happening with this new moon from a Human Design perspective? Let’s dig in.

New Moon in Gate 44

Very fittingly, the New Moon falls into Gate 44 in Human Design, the Gate of Alertness. Located in the Splenic center, this gate tracks patterns and notes what is useful and what is not. It carries the fear of repeating past mistakes and patterns – which can sometimes show up as avoiding taking action because the last time you did, things didn't go well.

Part of the Channel of Surrender, Gate 44 reaches toward Gate 26 in the heart center. Many people call this channel the mark of a great "salesperson” because it is attuned to what people need and is able to present just the thing that will fix whatever ails their customer. Very “As Seen on TV” vibes.

Personally, I find this explanation a bit simplistic because there is so much more at play here. The Splenic intuition of Gate 44 is able to sense and tap into the needs of others and scan the behaviors and patterns of the past to pull out what works and what will not. This memory of what brings success can be from the individual’s actual memory or it can be a deeply engrained knowing that they themselves may not comprehend. It’s the instinctive and ancestral memory that moves and shifts in the DNA to code our current experience of reality.

Human Design Gate 44 also holds the power to reorder memory and present an alternate outcome. Falling in the sign of Scorpio, this gate can’t help but be associated with the subconscious. After all, the patterns we find ourselves playing out, again and again, are often seeded in unconscious motivations that are just out of our reach. Gate 44 is like a mechanic that can see the unconscious wiring behind the scenes and very delicately reroute and solder new pathways.

Very plainly, Gate 44 can be used to either enable your fears or completely transmute them – you just have to be willing to look past the facade of what is and really feel into that unconscious seed.

Moon = Emotions

Adding another layer here, we also have to consider the fact that the energy of Gate 44 is being played out through the lens of the Moon – which represents our emotions, internal motivations, and reactions. This is a powerful time for observing the emotions that are coming up right now. Scorpio season is known for being INTENSE but there is always a good reason for this.

The intensity of our emotions matches the degree to which we choose to pay attention to them. If we have been neglecting or ignoring a nagging feeling then of course it is going to eventually boil over and explode – and because we’ve been pretending we didn’t see the signals coming, we are completely caught off guard by what comes out.

I have endless admiration for Scorpios because they teach us that is ok to push past our emotional comfort zones. When you lay your true feelings out on the table, Scorpio is there to assure us that there is nothing to be ashamed of. They remind us we are human and meet us where we are validating every single fear, sadness, excitement, and joy. The Scorpio Sun and Moon remind us that we have the ability to feel … and dammit, we should use it!

How to Use the New Moon Energy

Ok so let’s put all this together now. With the new moon in Gate 44, we’re being given the opportunity to do some reprogramming and repatterning work in the emotional realm. Now is a wonderful time to take note of the emotions that are coming to the surface and take a moment to just look at them. Don’t push them away, just sit with them and observe their messages. There is a long history and memory associated with the emotions coming to the surface and they are showing up so you can reintegrate aspects of yourself that conditioning may have told you were “too much.” This is a wonderful time for inner child healing or doing a reprogramming meditation.

If you are new to this sort of work, the basic idea is pulling up a past memory that is associated with the emotions that are coming up in the present. Through meditation, revisit this memory (if it is not too painful or traumatic, in which case I would recommend getting some professional guidance here!). While you’re in this memory, start to imagine what it would have been like if things had gone differently. Perhaps the other person in this scenario gave you exactly what you needed and everything took a turn for the positive. (If you’ve ever read the Voyage to the Bunny Planet books, it’s exactly like that!)

Use the energy of Gate 44 to flip the script and envision yourself being completely filled with whatever support you needed at that moment. Sit with the emotions that come up, validate them, and get curious about what you need to be able to feel comforted, protected, and ready to move into a new narrative.

I encourage you to be gentle with yourself. This is Spleen energy so make sure you are hydrated, nourished, well-rested, and doing whatever rituals and routines that help you feel grounded. We’re moving into Scorpio/Taurus eclipse season soon, so the more work you do to recognize and hold your emotional self, the better set up you will be.

Kate Good