How Does Your Mind Work? The Gates of the Head Center in Human Design

The Head Center in Human Design can be a place of frustration, pressure, and overwhelm. We all know the experience of turning over a thought again, and again, and again, getting locked in the pressure to know and understand. We are trained to use the head center to memorize facts, develop certainty, and stand in our convictions but what if we started to adjust our relationship with this wonderful center?

The mind can be a playground. It’s a place to observe and explore and imagine…not just the fixed processor that allows us to make decisions. In fact, according to Human Design, no one should make decisions from the head! Decisions belong to the authority, they need to be felt or seen — not mulled over in the mind.

I view the head center as the mystical place where pure, divine creative energy is sent to be translated into manifest reality. In the I-Ching, heaven is the element associated with pure creativity. If we think about all creative sparks or inklings as a message from the great unknown that is aching to be translated into form, the head center becomes a magical pathway for us to become the conduit for infinite creation and possibilities. I don’t know about you but that feels WORLDS more exciting and expansive than viewing the mind as a place for the storage of facts or “logical certainty” (tag-teaming with the Ajna of course).

Gates of the Head Center

The top triangle on the Human Design bodygraph (outlined in yellow is the head center) the lower triangle (outlined in green) is the Ajna.

All experiences in the head center start with an initial spark of inspiration. It may be a thought, a clue, an idea that makes sense, in any case, the object pulls our focus and attention and suddenly we’re pulled into the swirl of mental processing. Depending on what activations you have in the head center, the experience walking the path from hazy pieces of idea into clarity will differ. I see the head center as deeply receptive in nature, it’s not about being able to know and act — the experience is much more nuanced. It’s all about observing how we make sense of the subtle and translate that through the Ajna and throat into eventual opinions, stories, and actions. But while in the head center, the phenomenon of thinking is simply information gathering. Getting to know your unique method of information gathering will help you to observe yourself in process. Since the head is a “pressure center” it can be easy to give in to the urge to KNOW or have a definitive answer or solution the second a twinkle of inspiration pops into the head center. If you’re aware that you are merely one step into a spiral toward clarity, you may be less inclined to pressure yourself into using your mental energy for figuring it all out and embrace the receptive state of observing and waiting for the next clues or bits of information to trickle in.

Let’s take a look at the gates of the Head Center and get to know the potential that lives there. Whether you have certain gates defined, active channels, a defined or open head center, these themes are present in all of us. You can use your definition and activations to better understand your unique experience.

I will also preface this explanation with the note that the names of the gates don’t always squarely represent what the experience of the energy is – I find it helpful to identify with the description and experience versus the name when getting to know the head center gates.

Gates of the Head Center

64: Confusion

The Gate of Confusion is all about the experience of the abstract and unclear and the electricity of the moment of clarity. To me, the energy of this gate can feel like a fog rolling in that momentarily hides or distorts the view of what lies ahead. Gate 64 is a Virgo Gate in the quarter of duality – or relationships – in the Quantum Mandala. It is also part of the Sensing Circuitry which carries the energy of witnessing patterns and qualities in others. When the head center comes across something it finds interesting, intriguing, or inspiring, Gate 64 clicks in with the pressure to “figure it out.” If you think about confusion, when you’re not sure where to look or what to do next, that can be massively frustrating, right? Well, if we remember the head center is receptive in nature and wants to scan for clues, inspiration, or more details – the beauty of this gate is revealed. Rather than forcing a conclusion or answer, wade into the fog. Ask more clarifying questions, observe the people around you and their motivations or insights, allow the time for your mind to explore and sift through the details. Virgo feels safe when there is a detailed plan or step-by-step instructions so when confusion hits, break it down into little pieces. The wisdom of this gate is understanding that the “big download” will come – you just have to trust that by taking one informed step at a time, your mind will lead you there.

61: Mystery

At the heart of Gate 61 is a question: Why? When the mind encounters something that piques its interest, it begins to swirl around the possibilities of what caused this, how is it related to something else, what is the motivation, and “why?” This can be a big universal why, which – of course – can feel overwhelming. Gate 61 is a Capricorn gate in the quarter of mutation. Part of the Knowing Circuit, Gate 61 has an acoustic sort of sense that leads you toward solving the puzzle. It’s important to tune into what resonates and what does not with this energy. As such, it seeks to understand the system underpinning the grand mystery it sees. This Gate reminds me of the “Uilleand” or Honeysuckle card in “The Celtic Tree Oracle” deck by Liz and Colin Murray. Honeysuckle grows in a winding and twisting pattern that is akin to a labyrinth and the Lapwing bird lays makes its nest deep in the hidden heart of the plant. As the description reads, “The lapwing, when disturbed on its nest, will fly upward and away, uttering its distinctive cry to draw attention away from the vulnerable and exposed eggs lying camouflaged in a nest on the ground. To find its hidden secret, you must look at the base of its flight, and not the intentional distraction.” This is the crux of Gate 61. In order to understand something, you have to dig deep and sift through the “obvious” distractions that obscure your view. Being that this is a mutative energy, this may mean daring to think and see things differently than others do. Following your strategy and authority will guide you where you need to look.

63: Doubt

When Gate 63, the Gate of Doubt, looks outward, it sees more questions than answers. The search for clues motivates this gate to not just understand but to see all the moving parts and pieces at play. With a detective-like focus, Gate 63 pokes and prods until it is able to see all eventualities. This gate is associated with Pisces, lives in the quarter of initiation (the mind), and is part of the Understanding Circuit. I see this gate as being far more perceptive than it may realize. The Pisces energy disassembles and combines the viewer with parts of what it is seeing, forever seeking integration with the object of its focus. As the mind looks for patterns, it seeks to predict the future. There is a profound understanding that all things are interconnected with Gate 63 but in order to realize that depth, one needs to pick apart all the details and threads first – only then can the full pattern be revealed. I think of this like the process of weaving a tapestry. You can be laser-focused on one part of the pattern and miss the full view. Only when you dare to ask questions about where the pattern leads?, what other colors and textures are involved?, and what is the purpose of this textile?, do you feel motivated to take a step back and see the whole. If you carry this energy, it is important for you to ask those initiating questions because it inspires everyone around you to view a situation holistically. Doubt can feel uncomfortable at times, but it is an essential part of forging a new – and potentially better – path forward.